Have a question you’d like to ask? I’m committed to giving patients the best care and experience I can. There’s no such thing as a bad question when it comes to mental health. Check out the answers to the FAQs below, and don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any additional questions.
What type of therapy do you do? I don't like when the therapist just sits there and nods.
I believe in the interactive nature of the therapeutic relationship. My work consists of a combination of methods. One is Modern Analysis, in which the therapist draws out the clients' innate ability to solve problems and actualize their self-worth and talents by asking questions and actively following the clients' lead. I teach relaxation skills and other resource-building exercises, and I use EMDR when it is appropriate.
How much do you charge and do you offer sliding scale rates?
My fees are commensurate with the market rate for each service. However, I have always been committed to assuring that money does not keep a client from getting the help they need, and my practice is to negotiate an affordable fee while enabling clients to value and prioritize their emotional well-being. I am set up to take insurance.
How long does therapy take?
This depends on several different factors such as the nature and complexity of the problem. I believe in getting to the root of the issue which leads to permanent change, and this usually takes a commitment to treatment. I always tell my clients that it takes years to develop the negative patterns of behavior that they want to change, so change won't happen overnight, and they should allow some time before deciding whether therapy is working.  On the other hand, single-trauma events can often be resolved with EMDR in a very short period of time.
What if I travel frequently for business or can't get to your office?
I offer Skype, FaceTime, Zoom, or phone sessions in place of in-person meetings.